'Country Park'

There is, of course, a proposal to develop a country park adjacent to the site in an already green, unspoilt area of countryside. Aside from disturbing natural wildlife habitats in its landscaping, the new 'country park' will have light and noise pollution from warehouses operating 24 hrs a day in the adjacent fields. The proposed dam to alleviate flooding also means waving goodbye to around 50% of the country park (see 'Flooding'). This is nothing more than a 'sweetener' to the development plans, and an empty gesture. 

The biggest issue regarding the country park is that no consideration has been given to where visitors will park when they visit, either from the Cosgrove or Old Stratford side, nor to accessible access. 

Country Park - Reasons to Object
  • It’s already a green space!​
  • The existing natural environment will be disturbed to create something that is already there.
  • ‘Attenuation ponds’ will be used all year round and reach capacity at times of flood, The Environment Agency have unanswered questions on the capacity of the ponds and their ability to retain the water.
  • The dam also means waving goodbye to around 50% of the country park (more info)
  • There is no parking​ for the Country Park. Access, by foot or for cyclists, will be mainly over the bridge​ from Old Stratford - this will lead to more parking on Old Stratford roads. The main pedestrian and cycle access for the employees will also use this route. There is no parking for access from the Cosgrove side.
  • The developers are proposing a management plan that includes bin emptying and maintenance once per month. Anybody who has visited parks in Milton Keynes will be well aware that this is not enough.
  • There is no long term plan for who will manage the park in perpetuity.
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Object/Comment on Planning Application at WNC
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